Tuesday, September 4, 2012

September 5th

Day two of the QCS test and another day of doing...nothing. Cameron got placed to do supervision on the test during 2nd and 3rd session. We had our first session class doing dance and practicing with their groups.

Second session I go with Mr.Finley but since the student center is being used, we went into the classroom. They have a project to do but towards the end of the class we all started to just chat about New York and different things like the money and 24/7 open shops.

Last session I brought in the tub of Fluff that I still had for the rugby boys. They enjoyed and devoured the entire thing. It got a little messy but as long as the mess was on themselves and not in the shed of on anyone else, it was fine.

Did the final evaluation with Donna and Cameron today after school. It went well and I couldn't have asked for a better placement. We reflected a lot on the different lessons and classes I instructed and I now know how I am as a teacher better than Ive ever known before.

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