Tuesday, July 31, 2012

August 1st

First session I think went pretty well for Beka and mine’s first time Co-Teaching. We needed to get the general sense of how we work together and teaching the Cha Cha was a good start to that. The students warmed up doing the two dances they learned last class and then Beka and I got into the cha cha. We tried to be as basic as we could but it took a bit longer for the students to get it than we anticipated. By the end, they did in fact get most of the steps and did it to music. One thing Beka and I spoke about after is how to get the students quiet and we just said that I would get their attention because I have a very loud voice and the kids don’t want to hear a teacher scream. There are always pros and cons to a lesson but it takes time for two teachers to get a feel for how the other one teaches. We are going to teach one more dance next class before the students split up into their assignment groups.

Second session I ran a GREAT basketball lesson. I got a white board to use so I can draw out the two different defenses, man and zone. I asked a lot of questions of why they would use each one and the advantages and disadvantages of each. I then did a big demonstration of each defense using a 5 v 5 and had the rest of the students sit on the base line. The students were really well behaved today and I tried to keep the lecture down to a minimum so they can play a lot today. I did each defense while the ball moved around with one group and then brought up 10 new students to do it again. We went right into continuous basketball and since we had the full court today, we were able to have 2 games at once with a team waiting to go on. I asked Mr.Finley (the male teacher that we combine classes with) to help me to make teams because I am still struggling with that. I divided up the 5 best players on different teams and then tried to divide the rest equally on those five teams. I will most definitely be able to get this task down with time and learning their abilities better.

Free for third session! Woohoo….I already planned my lessons for the week so I read and researched during this period.

Fourth session I had rugby again. Even if I am just sitting and chatting with the boys, its always an entertaining period.

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