First session for dance we taught the gypsie tap and it went
mediocre. They got the dance but it wasn’t as exciting as the last dance we
taught so I guess they were a little bored. But we only did that for a little
bit because they needed to get into groups and start their assignment. Each
group has to make up a dance that will be video tapped. There are a certain
amount of counts the dance has to be and other requirements like changing
directions, feet movement, arm movement and partner dancing. They can take
moves from all the dances we’ve done already and will need to use their own
music that the teachers will check before. So the teaching is basically over
for this class because they will be working in groups for the rest of the term
to make their dances up.
Second session went great with another successful basketball
lesson. We did a jump shot drill that would help the students receive the ball
and take the shot quickly and properly. I then set them up in lines with
windows so I can see everyone and went over the defense stance. I had them
sliding from side to side depending on where I was dribbling. The students so
far have been running and tripping over their feet while playing defense, so it
was important to teach them to slide their feet instead. A short game of horse
and a half court competition took place before full games. They’ve been dying
to take half court shots and I usually don’t let them so I decided today to
have a well-organized and safe way to let them shoot. During the full games we
made a requirement to set a pick before a shot and the students started to
realize that if there is no defense, you couldn’t score. They thought they were
clever but it really bothered those students who really enjoy playing. I asked
them not to ruin the fun and game for them and they started to play defense.
These students are getting much better at basketball and I love
the fact that im part of this growth. They’ve all noticed how much better they
know the game and how they make more shots. Times like this, I realize again
why I am in this field of work.
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