Sunday, August 26, 2012

August 27th

Today I was the real teacher of the class. Cameron was absent so I felt like they were my classes, even though there was a substitute. I for once knew the students better than someone else and made all the decisions. But he was absent on a day where there was nothing to do! I would like to see what it would be like with out him on a Thursday or Friday.

As usual, we were in the weight room during first session. During the second session we were in the library, where the students were just working on their assignment.

After morning tea, we were off to the ovals with the cert 3 students. They added some lacrosse in to the mix today, which was fun for the students. The kangaroos that creeped up behind me scared me off, so naturally all the students laughed.

Last session I planned to do commercials/ advertisements for contraception. Students were put in groups and have to advertise why someone should buy that product. I told them they could do a skit, commercial, news program or a song/rap. It has to be a minute long and next class they will present them. During this class I had two situations thrown at me, of course when Cameron isn’t here. One girl came in very upset and had to go for a walk to cool off and stop crying. I later found out that someone changed her background on the computer to something very inappropriate and gross. I tried to help her to the best of my ability but we didn’t know who did it and neither did she. I simply told her that I would speak to Mr.Boaza tomorrow about it and see what he says but I did not want to start blaming anyone. I also had a student who was very unwilling to do the assignment and said no multiple times. I tried to give him and his partner ideas but he started to give me attitude. I told him to stay after class to talk. While I wanted to give him some sort of consequence, he is usually very good and helpful and thought I would try talking to him first. I told him that his attitude towards me and refusing to do the assignment is not acceptable. He didn’t fully understand why I thought he was refusing to do the assignment because he technically didn’t say that. I had to explain that saying “no” is a form of refusing. The discussion went on for a few minutes and we discovered that he had a lot of questions about the assignment. I told him that he needs to ask and that ill always explain or clarify and probably consider a different idea if he had one. My expectations were then clear of what he needs to do and how to act, so hopefully he will come in with something on Monday to present.

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